The Grading system for Genuine Shaolin Mok Ka in the UK was devised by Sifu Charles Chan and Sifu Rob Morgan back in the early 1980’s.
It consists of 9 gradings. It was devised purely for the western approach for the need of gradings. Before the current grading was put together it used to be a Pink Sash for a girl and a Blue Sash for a boy until your teacher/master thought you were competent in all aspects of the style to wear a Black Sash.
The modern-day grading system is now:
- Blue Sash – part of the uniform when starting your training (not graded)
- Blue Sash white tag
- Blue Sash two white tags
- Yellow Sash
- Green Sash
- Brown Sash
- Brown Sash black tag
- Black Sash
- Black Sash red tag
- Blash Sash two red tags